the evaluations of tadazane and yorinaga differ significantly between " hogen monogatari " and " gukansho ." 忠実と頼長への評価は、『保元物語』と『愚管抄』では対照的である。
unlike judo , which is united under the kodokan judo institute , karate has many organizations (schools ), and the types of kata , practice methods and match rules differ significantly , depending on the organization . 講道館に統一されている柔道とは異なり、空手には多数の流派が存在し、流派によって教える型や訓練法、試合規則も大きく異なる。
the same yudate-kagura even differ significantly by shrine and various forms exist like the ones in which a tree branch compared to tamagushi (a sacred sakaki tree branch ) is dipped in hot water and the hot water is splashed (shirahata-jinja shrine in fujisawa city , kanagawa prefecture , etc .) , boiled water is splashed with bear hands as if sweeping (seihachiman-jinja shrine (enzankyo ) in iida city , nagano prefecture , etc .) , the object of worship is dipped in hot water , being rare throughout japan (tarumi-jinja shrine in marugame city , kagawa prefecture , etc .) , etc . 同じ湯立神楽でも神社によってかなり違いがあり、玉串に見立てた枝葉を浸して湯を撒くもの(神奈川県藤沢市白旗神社など)や、素手で煮え湯を払うようにして撒くもの(長野県飯田市正八幡神社(遠山郷)など)、全国的にも珍しいご神体を湯につけるもの(香川県丸亀市垂水神社など)などさまざま。